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Titan ceramics recommend always our valuable customers to buy each and every thing for good, quality & stylish as per the value of their money. 

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What is grout & purpose?

Basically Grout is fills in the spaces between tiles. It is essential for creating a seamless tile appearance, as well as protecting both your tiles and the surfaces underneath. It prevents moisture from seeping into the substrate, straightens tile lines, and keeps tiles from cracking or rubbing against each other.

The Titan ceramics trying to convey some technical specs for our valuable customers and Contractors, and we are trying to simplify the articles but unfortunately we can’t able to reduce this all, this all are must be need to know everyone,

So please read carefully it’s all recommended your upcoming dream home or your trusted customers homes 

Grout is a thick fluid which is used to fill gaps or used as reinforcement in existing structures. Grout is generally a mixture of water, cement, and sand and is employed in pressure grouting, embedding rebar in masonry walls, connecting sections of pre-cast concrete, filling voids, and sealing joints such as those between tiles. Common uses for grout in the household include filling in tiles of shower floors and kitchen tiles. It is often colour tinted when it has to be kept visible and sometimes includes fine gravel when being used to fill large spaces (such as the cores of concrete blocks). Unlike other structural pastes such as plaster or joint compound, correctly mixed and applied grout forms a water resistant seal.

Types of grout?

There are a number of different types of grout and they each serve a purpose, which is analysed below under divisions and sub-divisions

Cementitious grouts

Cementitious grout is used to create a solid bearing surface between structural base plates and base foundations. It enables even dispersal of the load into the existing concrete slab. The grout will assist in transferring the overall load of the column into the concrete foundation. Cementitious grout is suitable for a range of different bedding and fixing applications. These include bases, bearing plates and steel frames. Cementitious is further divided into Sanded, Unsanded grout and Latex modified grout.

Sanded grout – Sanded grout is most commonly used for ceramic tile, stone and any tile with a grout joint or larger. It is composed of Portland cement, sand and other additives; it is mixed with water and troweled into the grout joint, where it takes approximately 24 hours to dry. as the sand provides extra bonding power that prevents cracking. Areas suitable for

  • Bathroom floor
  • Kitchen floor
  • Shower pan
  • Entryway

Unsanded grout – Unsanded grout, commonly called “wall grout,” is essentially sanded grout without the sand. It is used on ceramic tile and polished marble with grout joints smaller than 1/8 in. All the cleaning problems associated with sanded grout apply to wall grout, which should be sealed after installation to reduce absorbency. Unsanded grouts have a much smoother texture, since the mineral particles they contain are very fine powders that have no noticeable grit. They are used with grout seams that are 1/16 to 1/8 inch wide. Areas suitable for

  • Shower wall
  • Bathroom wall
  • Polished or honed stone
  • Rectified tile

Latex modified grout – Sanded grouts may be formulated with a latex polymer additive, either included in the dry mix or added in as the grout is mixed with water. These additives are blends of acrylics and latex, and will decrease water absorption, increase strength and improve colour maintenance. Some grouts have dried latex powder added to them at the factory and do not require additional additives.

Chemical grouts

Chemical grouts are an emulsion of water and liquid resin. Chemical grouting requires injection of specially formulated chemical grouts into finer cracks that cannot be possible by cement grouts. Some of the popular ones are epoxy, acrylic and furan resin grouts.

Epoxy grout – Epoxy grout is strong and durable. It is highly resistant to stains, cracks, chemicals, harsh weather conditions, and climate changes. These characteristics make epoxy grout the only way to go if you’re looking for the most durable, efficient way to do tile work. The strength of epoxy grout makes it perfect for any tile job, indoors or outdoors. The stain, crack and chemical-resistant properties make it suitable for areas with high traffic. The resistance to weather and climate changes make it ideal for areas where it will be subjected to harsh weather conditions or excessive amounts of humidity or severe cold. Epoxy grouts also tend to be less fluid than cementitious grouts and this can have a bearing on the choice for your project. If you are grouting under large equipment or base plates it may be easier to use a free flowing cementitious grout.

Epoxy grout will not crumble and begin to fall apart over time, whereas traditional grout products have a tendency to weaken, making it more likely you will incur the expense of redoing your tile at some point if you use cement-based products. With light maintenance, Epoxy grout will last a lifetime, so you know you’re never going to have to invest in extensive and expensive tile replacement. Areas suitable for

  • Heavily trafficked areas like entryways, hallways, and foyers
  • Harsh conditions exposed to grease and acid, like restaurant kitchens
  • Kitchen counters and backsplashes
  • Any type of flooring you want to protect

Acrylic grout – With acrylic grout is that you don’t have to cover the entire work surface. You can just apply it in the joints between the tiles. The silicone additive, which comes premixed with Portland cement grout, aid­s in greater adhesion. Because of its stability in freezes and thaws, it can be used outdoors, making it perfect for deck or garage projects. The additive helps the grout retain colour and resist stains. It’s the kind of grout that most fast-food restaurants use on their floors. Some companies specialize in creating acrylic caulks to match tile or paint colours.

Furan grout – Furan grout is similar to epoxies, but is composed of polymers of furfural alcohol, which are highly resistant to chemical action. Furans are two-component systems that contain a furan resin and a filler powder with an acid catalyst. It is the acid catalyst that causes the furan resins to cure, forming a thermosetting resin that has unsurpassed chemical, physical and thermal-resistance.

Furan grout is commonly used to grout brick pavers and quarry tile and it is also recommended in areas exposed to chemicals and grease. The tile surfaces may be smooth, non-skid, or abrasive, depending on the intended use for the floor. The tile or brick surfaces must receive a wax coating to protect them from staining prior to the installation of furan.

  • Brick Pavers
  • Quarry tile
  • Industrial projects like meat-packing plants, warehouses, and laboratories
  • Areas exposed to high levels of chemicals and/or grease

Polyester grouts

For decades, grouting has been the most popular soil stabilization method. Some additives, as well as cement and polymeric materials, are also widely used as grout mixtures in order to lower costs and achieve the best engineering properties with early strength gain. Unconfined compression and dynamic tests of grouted granular soils were conducted with different mixtures to evaluate the feasibility of using polyester, red mud and micronized clay as grouting materials. This type of grouts advances with increasing additive percentages and curing time. Polyester grout is used for anchoring to impart strength to foundations that must be achieved in limited available space. Areas suitable for

  • High-traffic residences
  • Commercial spaces
  • Kitchen counters and backsplashes
  • Entryways

Non-shrink grout

Non-shrink grouts are hydraulic cement grout that, when hardened under stipulated test conditions, does not shrink, so its final volume is greater than or equal to the original installed volume. It is often used as a transfer medium between load-bearing members. This grout often sets rapidly. It is a pre-mix product that needs only to be mixed with [water] which includes ingredients to compensate against cement stone shrinkage

Choosing the Right Grout and Application

While selecting the right grout for your home or office, consider the size and area. When the joint is vast, the grout has to be coarser and vice versa.

Grout application might seem easy to do. But, without general training, you might mess up your tiles.

This is why Titan ceramics suggest hiring for trained tilers to do the job for you. And also Titan ceramics will also be able to advise you on the best grout to use as per efficiency and cost.

Are you ready to tile selection and grout up your home or customers buildings? Don’t hesitate to Contact us 

We are always nonstop being of assistance your future Dream House, Thanking you.

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